Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gutierrez: 'somber politics ruled the day'


The words of the Hypocrite is at it again. Survival that was her order from Gloria. No doubt she will try and come out with more graft cases against good governance. I can't believe she tried to get Mayor Duterte out of all people. The best Mayor our country ever had in my opinion. Actions speak louder than words, as noted that Gloria walked out of when Cong. Tupas was delivering his speech. She cannot even stomach her own crimes. To those that voted for impeachment you will be remembered. To those that abstained and voted no. You will also be remembered, because your actions spoke and told us where you stand when it comes to the people. I heard Pacquiao even voted no. No wonder, Congress is just one of his so called need to be achieved conquered that when he lost because he taught the people are too stupid to know what kind of person he really is. He came back crying and bought as much votes as he can and then he will pray in front of the cameras so people will think he's a saint yet he surrounds himself with thieves, gambling lords, and criminals. Hypocrites people, keep fighting until we rid ourselves with of all evils that only bow down to money and will do all that it can to get more of it. God Bless President Ninoy Aquino you are doing a very good job. No other president made it a campaign promise and a goal to have done what you have done so far. We love you and our prayers are always with you. Keep the fight going the people have your back.

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